Comune di Brissogne


Archive Name: Comune di Brissogne

Archive Short Name: Com. Brissogne

Settlement: Brissogne, Aosta/Aoste

Archive Coordinates: 45.7285199, 7.4066634

Archive Website:


Last Demalps Visit:

DemAlps Material in this Archive

Census of Holdings

Community: Brissogne, Aosta/Aoste

Date Coverage: 1670-1963

DemAlps Status: Estremi cronologici non d'interesse

DemAlps Reference Inventory: Inventory of holdings available, not reviewed

Series/Collection/ShelfMark: Archivio Storico del Comune di Brissogne

Pre-contemporary Inventories:

Inventory Link:

Holding Description:

Medieval Holding Desc.:

Holding Deliberations: false

Holding Statutes:

Holding Loose Recs.:

Holding Fiscal Recs.:

Other Recs.:

Holding Notes:

Records in this archive
Title Type Series/Shelfmark Date